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Update a post

Update a post.

Path Parameters
    postId string required

    The id of the comment to be updated.

Request Body
    body string required

    The body of the post.

    roomId integer

    The Id of the room the post will be posted in.

    isPrivate boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the post should be posted as a private note.

    tagIds integer[]

    The Ids of the tags the post is attached to

    references object[]

    The Surahs/Ayahs the post relates to. If references is not passed with update post API, existing references of the post will be removed.

  • Array [
  • surahId integer required

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 114

    The Surah number

    fromAyah integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 286

    The start of the range of Ayah(s) in a Surah that the post relates to.

    If it's a single Ayah,fromAyah and toAyah should have the same value.

    If the post belongs to the entire Surah, fromAyah and toAyah should be left empty

    toAyah integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 286

    The end of the range of Ayah(s) in a Surah that the post relates to.

    If it's a single Ayah,fromAyah and toAyah should have the same value.

    If the post belongs to the entire Surah, fromAyah and toAyah should be left empty

  • ]

Request has been handled successfully.

    success boolean
    data object

    Possible values: [Post was updated successfully]
